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Amy’s main preoccupation seemed to be making my life miserable when I was with Janie. She was always around whenever I visited her older sister. Lovely Janie seemed to be more patient with ‘bratzilla’ than I was, and would make excuses for her. Amy hated me, but I could never divine a reason why. Janie could have any boy she wanted but for right now, I was her choice. Was I dating over my head? I thought so even back then, but the prettiest girl was giving me her full attention and I was not questioning my good fortune. My name is Mike and my friends call me that, but I so liked the way Janie made ‘Michael’ sound musical, that I adopted that as my preferred appellation. God, how my heart would beat out of my chest whenever I was close to her. I loved the sight and the smell of her … the feeling of her soft slender arms around my neck as she tiptoed up to kiss me. She had a way of walking that could only be described in poetry … I am not a poet, but you get the idea! Yup! I had it. She could see why, there was no ice on the lake. It was complete thawed, unlike any of the lakes that she had passed during her two day journey. With daytime temperatures well below freezing, there was no reason for there to be open water on the lake, it just didn't make any sense. There was something else wrong, but Beth couldn't put her finger on what it was. Seeing open water and no bears had completely surprised her, distracting her from see anything else. After making her way down the final hillside to a small beach, Beth wanted to find out how warm the water was. She also wanted to wash after walking for two days through snow and ice. Stepping foot into the water Beth got a better sense of how warm the lake really was. While it was only a few degrees above freezing, it was significantly warmer than the surrounding land or air. She couldn't understand where it was getting extra heat from. Lakes don't just warm up on their own. There had to be something heating it and Beth.
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